10:56:52 Todd M (Keystone Climbing Consultants)
Hi everyone! I'm Todd from Keystone Climbing Consultants and I'm joining from Portland, OR.
10:57:26 Kurt Smith
The General here joining in from the road, somewhere in Colorado..
10:57:35 Laura Allured (she/her) | CWA
Welcome to the final session in the CWA’s Retail Webinar Series!! I’m Laura from the CWA, and I’m joining from Longmont, CO.
10:58:05 Josh Joyner
Josh from Vertical View, and I’m joining from Boise, ID
10:58:55 angie
Angie from Vertical World.
10:59:06 Jake Byk
Jake Byk with the CWA!
10:59:26 Caitlyn Nicholas
Hello, I'm Caitlyn. Greetings from Sender One Climbing in California.
10:59:41 Hannah Revelle
Hey Everyone! This is Hannah and Sydney from Momentum Silver Street. We are just excited to learn new retail information to make our retail space the best it can be ;)
10:59:41 Laura Allured (she/her) | CWA
We’ll get started in just a minute.
10:59:49 Tanya Smith
Hi Everyone! Tanya Jo with Dakota Climbing Co. joining from Bismarck, North Dakota. Hoping to learn sales and service strategies for building a retail program in a new market.
11:00:07 Amy
Amy here from Edgeworks climbing in Tacoma WA. Hoping to learn :-)
11:01:23 Florencia Cademartori
Hi, It’s Mercedes from Momentum Lehi!
11:01:29 Ann Grinnell
Ann from Volta Climbing in Trenton, ME.. thank you for this series!
11:01:33 Tanya Smith
Also curious if any other gyms attending today are located in an area where climbing isn’t very prevalent and how has that affected your approach to your retail offerings?
11:04:54 Kurt Smith
mute all please!
11:08:27 Mercedes
Q&A question: What are things/programs that a rep offers that you find gyms are not leveraging very often?
11:12:44 Hannah Revelle
What do you do if you are having difficulty with a major shoe rep who does not want to come to your town or do demos?
11:25:51 Tanya Smith
Would you plan shoe demo’s prior to grand opening of a new facility?
11:31:06 Caitlyn Nicholas
lol clever
11:35:10 Laura Allured (she/her) | CWA
11:40:19 Troy
What strategies are there to capture customer sales in shop, rather than the customer purchasing afterwards from an online retailer
11:41:48 Hannah Revelle
We do and have a lot of it
11:53:31 Hannah Revelle
best way to talk to reps about raffles and prizes
11:56:42 Amy
has the past year effected how much you can donate to an event?
11:57:25 Jake Byk
Kurt Smith, nrgsales1@gmail.com
11:58:01 Jake Byk
Todd McCormick, todd@keystoneclimbing.com
11:58:08 Caitlyn Nicholas
thank you!
11:58:14 Ann Grinnell
Thank you so much!
11:58:21 Kurt Smith
Thanks Everyone!
11:58:25 Todd M (Keystone Climbing Consultants)
So fun! Thanks to you all as well.
11:58:26 Todd M (Keystone Climbing Consultants)
11:58:28 Mercedes
Thanks you guys, this series has been great <3
11:58:30 Josh Joyner
Thanks! This was super helpful
11:58:32 Hannah Revelle
Thank you!
11:58:34 Jake Byk
Thank you everyone :)
11:58:52 Jake Byk
Kurt Smith, nrgsales1@gmail.com Todd McCormick, todd@keystoneclimbing.com
11:59:07 Tanya Smith
Thank you! This series was very helpful and well-done. I really appreciate how well you support members. Thanks, Todd! Thank you so much!
11:59:07 Amy