CWA Blog

The Climbing Wall Association's blog is a place for indoor climbing professionals to find useful and relevant information from industry and business experts. Stay on top of best practices, thought leadership, and trends by subscribing to our newsletter!


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CWA Grows Team with New Marketing Coordinator
CWA Grows Team with New Marketing Coordinator

Please join the CWA in welcoming the newest addition to our growing team – Jake Byk, our marketing coordinator. Jake (he/him) has been a professional visual communicator for more than six years, working in multiple fields across the country. After receiving his B.S. in photojournalism from... Continue Reading

Date posted12/28/2020

Welcome to the New CWA Website
Welcome to the New CWA Website

Welcome to our new website! We have a brand new look and updated technology in an effort to better serve our members. We hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we do. In order to get the most out of your member experience, you will need to create a new login. Your previous username and password will... Continue Reading

Date posted12/15/2020

How to Self-Advocate to Local Health Authorities
How to Self-Advocate to Local Health Authorities

Posted By Climbing Wall Association, Thursday, July 16, 2020 | UPDATED November 17, 2020 With the recent wave of re-closures and changing guidelines, it is necessary now, more than ever, to stand up and advocate for effective and reasonable reopening guidelines for climbing gyms. Your local... Continue Reading

Date posted11/17/2020

How to Throw the Best Member Appreciation Events
How to Throw the Best Member Appreciation Events

“Climbing is all about community,” says Nick Muffet, Marketing & Community Director at Rock Mill Climbing in Akron, Ohio. That’s the philosophy behind holding regular member appreciation events—to make your members feel welcome, engaged, and excited to be a part of your gym’s community. And these da Continue Reading

Date posted10/30/2020

Making Your Gym More Inclusive - Adaptive Climbing Edition
Making Your Gym More Inclusive - Adaptive Climbing Edition

Many climbing gyms across the country have moved well into their reopening plans. We’ve begun to see programs like youth teams and adult classes return to the gym, even if they do look a little different than before. Several gyms have restarted their adaptive climbing programs and events... Continue Reading

Date posted10/28/2020

How Coronavirus Changed Retail, and What I’ve Learned in the Past Six Months
How Coronavirus Changed Retail, and What I’ve Learned in the Past Six Months

COVID-19 has required an incredible amount of flexibility and adaptation in all of our lives, inside of the climbing gym and out. Like many other industries, climbing gym retail has taken a hit this year, but it’s not all bad news. Based on data from a convenience sample of three gyms that... Continue Reading

Date posted10/6/2020

How to Create Business Plans That Move, Support, and Adapt
How to Create Business Plans That Move, Support, and Adapt

Starting and maintaining a business, as well as expanding a brand, can be challenging enough in an ordinary business landscape. Now, during a global pandemic, to evolve your business model can seem daunting and confusing, maybe even dire. But the best-laid plans for a business are the plans that... Continue Reading

Date posted09/22/2020

What do in-person events look like during the pandemic recovery?
What do in-person events look like during the pandemic recovery?

During a recent CWA Community Call, our members discussed some of the problems and solutions around hosting in-person climbing competitions and events. Getting back to large group gatherings is far off in many areas of the world, but we still need to provide a sense of community and fun for... Continue Reading

Date posted09/22/2020

Maneuvering Through COVID-19 with CARE
Maneuvering Through COVID-19 with CARE

The pandemic was a shock to the climbing industry. In addition to other disruptions to daily life, gym closures have been devastating to the entire industry. It’s clear that the path forward cannot be the same one previously taken. A new path forward has to be forged. The Climbing Wall... Continue Reading

Date posted09/22/2020

Is More Stimulus Coming?
Is More Stimulus Coming?

The timeline for more federal coronavirus stimulus in the US has been delayed for at least a month, but there is still some chance that we will see legislation passed before November 3. A lot of the public discussion around stimulus pertains to unemployment benefits and Economic Impact Payments,... Continue Reading

Date posted09/15/2020

Fostering Connection and Inspiration at the Survive & Thrive Workshop
Fostering Connection and Inspiration at the Survive & Thrive Workshop

On September 2 and 3, 2020 the CWA hosted the Survive & Thrive Workshop, its first-ever all virtual workshop. The event was built to give gym owners and senior leadership a framework for success during COVID. 150 people from over 25 states and 3 countries, including more than 40 different... Continue Reading

Postedby Laura Allured
Date posted09/15/2020

Communication Strategies for Mask Requirements
Communication Strategies for Mask Requirements

It is quite common for the customer service team of a climbing gym to wear multiple hats; performing the roles of front desk staff, retail, communications, floor patrol, and now—public health and safety officers. As climbing gyms and fitness facilities have rolled out reopening plans,... Continue Reading

Date posted09/11/2020